Gold Star Friday

Image result for Gold StarFinally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.  (Philippians 4:8)

From the book pile:

Lost in Shangri-La by Richard Zuckoff.  Zuckoff, an accomplished reporter, has reconstructed a rip-roaring adventure story from World War II.  Plane crash in the jungle, first contact with a remote tribe, daring rescue mission – this book has it all, and it’s all true.

Dark Clouds, Deep Mercy by Mark Vroegop.  This is a good primer on how to mourn and lament, as guided by Scripture.  Appropriate for a COVID world.

From the link list:

Christ or chaos:

Vaneetha Risner on suffering:

Interesting reflection on Jeremiah, friendship and “investing in the ruins”:

Tribute to a life of perseverance by Sam Storms:

Are you struggling to maintain a good attitude in quarantine?

So when can we go back to church?


For my books, see: I Will Mediate on Your Precepts (Psalm 119) and The Passion of Job.

For my articles, see: The Federalist,  The Gospel Coalition,  and Servants of Grace.

Now that university classes are all online, I have been putting my American Government lectures on YouTube.  Consider it a crash course in civics:  Note that I am a Southerner and speak slowly, so 2X speed is recommended for the Ben Shapiro effect.

And, if you like fantasy, please support my son, author Zeppy Cheng at his  Amazon page.

Author: Laura

Kirker and Labor Lawyer

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